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mercoledì 25 giugno 2008

Premiata Forneria Marconi PFM - Celebration - Live TV, 1974

Il prog italiano è uno dei generi musicali che preferisco...gruppi durati lo spazio di un solo album eppure capaci di sfornare capolavori e gruppi storici e inossidabili come la PFM la cui attività musicale dura ormai da 36 anni....

One of my fave music is the so called Italian Prog, a rock movement starting in the early '70 with groups like PFM, Banco, Maxophone, Osanna, Semiramis, Le Orme, Museo Rosenbach and many others. A few groups survived after the first album but they left a lot of musical masterpieces. The main inspiration was obviously the English progressive rock (Genesis, King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull) but developed in a typical "italian way".

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